hello blog world
what a crazy week i have had,
started off this time last week with a quick trip to
Garden Valley Idaho
to visit with Jeffs parents
enjoy some images that we took while visiting,
some funny things we saw
returned home on Sunday
both boys played in a soccer tournament up in Salt Lake City,
tylers team came away with a 2nd place medal.
while playing soccer mom on tuesday
also played Aunt Holly
to my 5 year old and 2 1/2 year old nephews
completely forgot what it is like to have little people
had a great day.
thursday was the beginning of my 40 hour work weekend
Erica Richards and Matson Tanners wedding
what an event!
looking forward to sharing some images
when i get them from the photographers that were there that night
can't wait to share
spent the weekend in recovery
and catching up on sleep
today is thursday and i feel like i am caught up
and my house is clean and back in order
hope you had a great week!
last week of summer
back to school next week
where did the summer go?
tyler in the bear chair @ Coopers
ally and collin in the bear chair
this sign made us laugh
in front of a store in Crouch, Idaho
this is what they were selling
hate to see what the haircuts looked like before the new glassesHa! Ha!
look at this ladies hairdo
swirled into a bun, but the rest was completely shaved to her head
maybe this is what the before new glasses haircut looks like,
love the country!